Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mural Painting

Our Club actually painted all the murals on the 'Taman Sains' wall because the paints are very dull and it really need touch up so Environmental Service Director 2010/2011, Leo S.Aswary has implement the Mural Painting Project. This project is not only about painting murals but also a building a good bond between the members and Board of Directors 2010/2011. Leo S.Aswary called all the members to attend and about 90% of the members actually attended this project.

Here are the pictures for this Project :-

Our VP1, Leo Kevin preparing the paints :)

Amazing! Leo President Foo Kok Way help the members paint too!

The girl in red is the OC! Leo S.Aswary!

Very happy to see members having the Leo Spirit in them!

This our new members helping out in this project. ROAR!

After 2 hours of painting the mural and finally we have done painting the mural!

These are the pics after the Project:-

Leo Teng Wei,
I.T. Director 2010/2011

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