Sunday, August 22, 2010

10th Installation of BOD & Induction of New Members

Our club have its 10th installation on the 20th of August, last Friday. The event was a success and a installation to be remembered organised by Leo Kevin Luke, our Vice President.

The installation was a 2 and a half hour starting at 1pm.

We manage to invite a few lions to witness our installation:
From PJ Metro:
President Lion Loq Chee Sing
IPP Lion Terry
Lion Shirley (Adviser)

RCC Lion Nicholas Seow
Leo Vivien from ACGBU

All of the members from our club attended this event. BOD of directors was installed and 8 new members was inducted.
Speech by RCC Lion Nicholas Seow
Induction of New Members
Induction of New Members

These are the leos that received a token of appreciation for their leoism last fiscal year.

Our Family Potrait


Leo Pak Juin

Treasurer 2010/2011

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