Wednesday, August 25, 2010

M.A.D Celebration

Let's go MAD on the 29th of August 2010! Our clubs is one of the 40 clubs in District 308B2 participating in this project!

The objective of this project is to celebrate our 40th years in service of Leo Clubs in Malaysia. Our Board of Directors together with the members will be cleaning up a playground in Jalan Nuri, Bandar Puchong Jaya.

Let's get MAD this sunday because we are MAKING A DIFFERNECE!


Leo Teng Wei,
I.T. Director 2010/2011

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mooncake Festival Celebration @ Rumah Shalom

Well, don't you think time just 'flies' in a blink of an eye? The Mooncake Festival is here again! Our club will be having a Mooncake Festival Celebration at Rumah Shalom, Jalan Tiong on 18th of September 2010. Its on Saturday and the celebration will begin at 5pm, so fellow leos please come and join us for the fun!!

Here is the location of Rumah Shalom:

View Larger Map

Also, be casual for your clothings and most importantly, bring your vests! As for those who want to donate clothes or toys, you can bring them along too, and we will appreciate it alot!

Leo Teng Wei
IT Director 2010/2011

Sunday, August 22, 2010

10th Installation of BOD & Induction of New Members

Our club have its 10th installation on the 20th of August, last Friday. The event was a success and a installation to be remembered organised by Leo Kevin Luke, our Vice President.

The installation was a 2 and a half hour starting at 1pm.

We manage to invite a few lions to witness our installation:
From PJ Metro:
President Lion Loq Chee Sing
IPP Lion Terry
Lion Shirley (Adviser)

RCC Lion Nicholas Seow
Leo Vivien from ACGBU

All of the members from our club attended this event. BOD of directors was installed and 8 new members was inducted.
Speech by RCC Lion Nicholas Seow
Induction of New Members
Induction of New Members

These are the leos that received a token of appreciation for their leoism last fiscal year.

Our Family Potrait


Leo Pak Juin

Treasurer 2010/2011

Hanging Flags in conjuction with Merdeka!

Well Well Well... It's here again! What's here again? Hari Merdeka!!! Every year, Before August 16th. Our club will help the school to hang and put up flags around the school. So called 'Decorating the flag' It's a very fun project for the guys but not girls because this project needs climbing and strength. XD This project is organize by our School Service Director FY 2010/2011, Leo Soo Jian Guan. Around 7 -8 Leo Club members gave a helping hand in this project.

Move on to Pictures! :)

Hanging a 200m long flag! Woahhhh, this flag is seriously long!

The guys again! Hanging flag!

Hanging the all the states flag in front of the School Office.

Hanging the flags at Koridor B!
The guy in red is also our new member!

It's OC again hanging the flag

Wow~~~ Great!

Our new member!, Leo Teh Yoong Kent

Putting up flags on the garage and also canteen!

Flags on the roof of garage

The OC putting up the flags

Good to see our VP2 & Fundraising Director work together! Hahaha XD ROAR!

OC again! Putting up the Selangor Flag!

Well.. This is the scaries part of all! Leo Kok Way, President climb up till the highest just to put up the Malaysia flag and actually it's risky @.@ but Kok Way said it was fun.

Leo Jian Guan did a very good job! and WE ARE GLAD TO HELP THE SCHOOL!


Leo Teng Wei,
I.T. Director 2010/2011

Mural Painting

Our Club actually painted all the murals on the 'Taman Sains' wall because the paints are very dull and it really need touch up so Environmental Service Director 2010/2011, Leo S.Aswary has implement the Mural Painting Project. This project is not only about painting murals but also a building a good bond between the members and Board of Directors 2010/2011. Leo S.Aswary called all the members to attend and about 90% of the members actually attended this project.

Here are the pictures for this Project :-

Our VP1, Leo Kevin preparing the paints :)

Amazing! Leo President Foo Kok Way help the members paint too!

The girl in red is the OC! Leo S.Aswary!

Very happy to see members having the Leo Spirit in them!

This our new members helping out in this project. ROAR!

After 2 hours of painting the mural and finally we have done painting the mural!

These are the pics after the Project:-

Leo Teng Wei,
I.T. Director 2010/2011

Recycling Files!

Basically this project is a very simple project which consists of School Service and also Environmental. We collected about 50 files in just few minutes from the teachers and then our club members bring the files to the nearest recycle bin to recycle it.
This project is organize by out Vice President 1 FY 2010/2011, Leo Kevin Luke. Here are the pictures of our club members together with the OC & President collecting files!:)

The amount of files we collected!

President, Treasurer, Asst Secretary & School Service Director is busy carrying the Files. OC is not in because his the Camera Man!

Throwing the files into the recycle bin! :)

Tadaaaa! The files we recycle.

Even though the amount of files is about 50 - 60 but I think WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Leo Teng Wei,
I.T. Director 2010/2011

Thursday, August 12, 2010

3 in 1 Project!

Well Well Well... I think most of you will be wondering what 3 in 1 Project means. It is actually 3 school service project organise in a day.The following projects will be :-

a) Mural Painting, OC - Leo S.Aswary, Environmental Service Director
b) Recycling, OC - Leo Kevin, Vice President 1
c) Hanging Flags!, OC - Leo Soo Jian Guan, School Service Director

Date - 13/08/2010
Venue - School
Time - 1pm onwards...

Will upload more photos and more updates tomorrow!


Leo Teng Wei,
I.T. Director 2010/2011