Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Special Appreciation Project ; Good Luck Gifts for PMR (LEO) Candidates

In conjunction to the upcoming PMR examinations that is just around the corner, our club has come up with this project each year to show our appreciation to the Form 3 Leos for their hard work and dedication. Small gifts such as stationary sets of pencils, erasers, pens and correction tape are wrapped nicely with gift wrappers to be given to the Leos. Our faculty advisor, Madam Ooi Saw Geok was there to present the gifts to the Form 3 Leos and also to give a word or two of encouragement to them. Several senior Leos were also there to embrace the event and also to show support in every way. The Leos then grouped together for some photo taking session. It was indeed a simple yet significant event that helped lift the Leos’ spirits amongst the pressure and weightiness of the exam atmosphere that dawned the Leos.

Good Luck!
Leo Au Wai Chee
Leo Daniel Siow
Leo Khaw Eu-gene
Leo Romilda Anne
Leo Roselyn
Leo Pricilla
Leo Aravind
Leo Bin Xian

Organizing Chairperson : Leo Foo Kok Way, Asst Treasurer

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