Saturday, September 11, 2010

Service Without Borders.

On the last Tuesday, the seventh of September three B.O.D members of our club which is Leo Kok Way, Leo Kevin Luke and Leo Pak Juin took part in a project called Service Without Borders together with the National Kidney Foundation ambassador Azizi Zakaria.

Abang Aris, a patient with kidney problem and has to go for dialysis three times a week. He was also previously diagnose with kidney failure and he currently has less than 20% eyesight. He has a family of six incuding himself, wife and four children where two of them are still schooling. Their monthly household income are less them RM 2000. Living in a big city like Kuala Lumpur, the cost of living is too high for them. Abang Aris and his family never enjoyed a cheerful Hari Raya since the past four years.

Together with Lion Shirley, Azizi and Lion Alan, we took Abang Aris's family to Giant at Kota Damansara to buy them some grocery, clothings and also a buka puasa session with them.

We are glad to be given a chance to play our role to the society. We believe that we Made A Difference and hope that other club can reach out and help those needy. Abang Aris is only one among the thousands of other family that needs our help.

What Are You Waiting For???
We Played Our Small Part, Now its Your Turn.
Start Small. Every Effort Makes a Difference.
We Serve With Passion.

Leo Teng Wei,
I.T. Director 2010/2011

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