Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mantor-Mentee Programme Volume I ; " A Light In The Dark "

Leo Soon Boon giving guidance

Haha..Leo Santhi is feeling shy! (Hiding behind the MAAR1 report)

“A Light In the Dark” Mentor-Mentee Programme Volume I is
a programme created with hopes that it will help fellow Leos help each other and seek assistance from each other. The theme, “A Light In the Dark” imposes the need of guidance for the younger Leos in all aspects in this relentless reality of life. This Mentor-Mentee programme will be carried out throughout the fiscal year of 2008/2009.This programme was first proposed by both the Club Secretary and Treasurer as they would want to train up their assistants and also potential candidates of their workload. It was then decided that this programme was to be executed not only to train up the Leos for their respective tasks but also to allow Leos to build the foundation of mutual understanding and faith with one another. For the first part of the programme, which is the volume I, fellow Leos were trained as assistants to their respective chosen posts. Junior Leos were given a chance to attempt report writing, brainstorming, budget writing, and also project organizing.

The Leos were divided into five groups, and each group was given a project to be handled. Before that, committee members of each project were chosen by voting through a show of hands. Each Leo was only entitled to only one project. At least two mentors were put into a group to guide the younger Leos and also to show them the correct procedure of how a project is done and carried out. Appointed secretaries were asked to write a brief report on their respective projects and the reports are to be handed in to the Club Secretary, Leo Chan Ying Zhi. The same goes to the appointed Treasurers, they were given the tasked to write a concise budget of the projects and to be passed to the Club Treasurer, Leo Liew Pui Yee. Organizing Chairmans for the projects were helped by Leo Khoo Soon Boon and Leo Chew Yin Shang to write proposals and as well as to conduct the project accordingly.

The Leo mentors were extremely satisfied with the Junior Leos’ capability with the individual task given to them. The Junior Leos seemed very eager to learn and were able to catch up with the skills efficiently. After a short brainstorming session among the groups, the younger Leos were then given a small orientation talk by Membership Director, Leo Chow Sze Yang regarding the CLD Programme. The Leos were given the proper exposure of the Lions Club and also LEO. In general, we had productively achieved the objectives for Mentor-Mentee Programme Volume I. The Volume II for this programme will be implemented after the examinations for all Leos are finished.

Organizing Chairperson : Leo Chow Sze Yang
Benieficiary : Leos of Leo Club Of SMK Batu Lapan

Monday, September 29, 2008

Health Awareness Project 2008 ; Health For Life

Health was the topic of the month for the Health Awareness Campaign held on the 28th September 2008 at the Shah Alam Buddhist Society situated in Bukit Rimau, Shah Alam with focus on creating awareness on the vitality of health to the public. With the slogan “Health for Life”, this campaign centered in giving the limelight of maintaining good health in aspects of both mentally and physically. The Health Awareness Campaign’s main purposes were to empower, educate and encourage the public to care for their health by applying the basic knowledge of prevention and early detection of several diseases. Serving as another annual yearly project highlighted that is carried out each year, this is already the 3rd time in a row that the same Health Awareness Joint Project was held. Due to the upcoming PMR examinations and also the Final Year End Examinations, only 7 Board of Directors were allowed by our Leo Advisor to aid assistance in this project. Despite the small amount, we were dominant enough to cover up for the empty spaces of tasks. The Lions really did use our manpower because we were almost constantly on the move.

We were divided into different tasks although we helped out almost everywhere. But no one was complaining as each of us had our Leo spirit soaring high within ourselves. Some of us whom are able to converse in mandarin were asked to help out in the registration counter whereas the rest was just running about helping around. There were several booths there such as the free health screening, diabetes and blood sugar, stoke, blood pressure, Body Mass Index, Kidney Health, Eye Screening, blood donation bank, Dietician consultation and even Chinese “sinseh” consultation. The Kidney Health booth was the busiest and we helped them out by directing them to fill the forms and to wait for their turn. The same goes for the blood donation bank. We also helped stick up the posters promoting good health and food pyramid all around the hall.
We then welcomed the arrival of RCC Lion Chan Kee Oi who came to visit around the Health Awareness Campaign and took a few photographs with him.

We were also given a lavish vegetarian meal with some high fibre bread and low sugar Milo drinks during lunch break. Then, we continued with our work as the people kept coming persistently. Numerous talks on Stroke, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes were commenced in a special VIP room just next to the hall. We took the opportunity to lash out an invitation to the HIV/AIDS speaker to come over to our school to give a talk. Without hesitating, he agreed after giving us his contact number. Around 12.30 p.m., a colouring and drawing contest was held on the stage of the hall. Approximately 20 children took part in both the contest. It was a great sight to see the children all worked up to win something. The results of the competition were announced and the Lions picked out the 5 best posters out of the all for both categories. It was then that something hilarious happened when the winner was announced, it was found out that the winner have forgotten to write down his/her name. This resulted in the Lions to walk around the place holding up the poster to acknowledge the winner. Luckily for the winner, she was found accompanying her parents at the blood donation bank.

The price-giving ceremony took place after that and 10 prizes were given away. The whole event ended approximately at 2.15p.m. after the entire blood donation procedures have finished. We stayed to pack the chairs and tables, cleaned up and arranged the whole place into order. After a group photograph and exchanging thank yous, we bid the Lions goodbye and went home, beaten to the bones but big smiles were plastered on our faces.

All in all, this Health Awareness Campaign was a huge success with a total of 150 packets of blood donated from the public. Truly, we had a splendid time and the early wake on that Sunday morning had not gone down the drain actually.

Organizing Chairperson : Leo Chew Yin Shang, President & Lion Khor Lee Kean
( A project by Leo Club Of SMK Batu Lapan & sponsoring Lions CLub, Lions Club Of Shah Alam Coty )
Venue : Shah Alam Buddhist Society Centre
Date : 28th September 2008, Sunday

Saturday, September 27, 2008

1st Regional Committee Chairperson Meeting for Region 4 FY 2008/2009

After receiving a quick briefing from RCC Lion Chan Kee Oi regarding the seating plans, agenda, registration and charging fees, the Leos got into immediate preparation for the meeting. A day before, the school hall was evacuated to enable the Leos to arrange the tables and chairs according to the seating arrangements decided earlier during a meeting with Lion Kee Oi. The tables were arranged in a long diagonal shape of a rectangle. Each Club’s seating arrangement was put into place accordingly to the respective zone number. The tables for each Leo Clubs were labeled systematically with the Leos’ names, posts and clubs. The school hall was then swept and cleaned. Two tables were used as registration counters just outside the hall. After that, the order of nasi lemak for lunch was confirmed again with the canteen workers. The school hall was decorated with the presence of several pots of flowers and plants. Mosquito sprays were put readily at a corner to get rid of the mosquitoes.

On the present day, Leo Yin Hong and Leo Kok Way came as early as 7 a.m. to fix up the P.A. System whereas the Leos helped by arranging the name lists and also the refreshments sponsored by Leo Vivien Chew. The refreshments consisting of Milo packet drinks and Apollo Layer Cake were arranged nicely in stacks just behind of the registration counter. Leo Ying Zhi and Leo Pui Yee got into place for the registration as Leos started to turn up. An amount of RM 5 was charged per entry. Leo Sze Yang and Leo Soon Boon helped by distributing the Milo drinks and cakes to the Leos. Meanwhile, Leo Vivien was busy ushering the Leos to the school hall as the meeting was about to start. Leo Ying Zhi was appointed as the recording secretary for the meeting.

After the meeting was adjourned, the Leos and Lions were led to the canteen where the food was served. Leo Pui Yee and Leo Soon Boon helped the canteen workers with the distribution of the food and mineral water whereas the rest of the Leos have already started cleaning the school hall and arranging back the tables and chairs into their proper places. The Leos arranged the school hall back into the place and cleaned the entire place before going home.

Organizing Chairperson : Leo Chew Yin Shang, President
Venue : SMK Batu Lapan
Date : 27th September 2008, Saturday

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

English Vocabulary Enhancement Programme ; A Word A Day

Leo Kar Chun & Leo Sze Yang changing the word for the day, TWILIGHT!

The word for today is ' servile '

Aghast, means filled with horror amazement

The first day of the A Word A Day project

This custom made bulletin board, consisting of three special columns for terms, sentence usage, and definition was sponsored by Taylors College after the idea of installing a mobile bulletin dictionary was proposed to our principal. The bulletin board of about 1 meter width and 40 centimeters long was set up at a favourite study spot, the “Serambi Budi” located near the science laboratories. The foremost objective of this project is to promote better understanding of languages amongst the students and also to improve the students’ fluidity in aspects of writing and speaking in English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and even foreign languages such as Japanese and Korean. This project will be held throughout the whole fiscal year of 2008/2009 and with high hopes that the Junior Leos will continue the programme in the days yet to come.

The vocabularies of words are changed daily, which promises five different words in a week. Dubbed as the “Vocabulary of the Day”, the term or vocabulary picked is always an exotic or unseen term/words to make it interesting enough to capture the attention of students. For the past month and upcoming month, we have decided to begin the programme with English Language. The language decided will be rotated for every two weeks, starting the month of November on request of the teachers and students. The editors of the bulletin board took turns to select the vocabulary of words of their own choices. The term, usage of the term in a sentence form and the thorough definition of the term are the three main things displayed on the bulletin for a better understanding of the words.
Before displaying the items- be it adjectives, nouns, proverbs, adverbs, and even sayings; they will first be checked and verified by the English teachers to avoid any misusage or errors of the words. The response from the students were astoundingly immense, especially students of the upper form who claimed that the vocabulary of words were really helpful and interesting. This project has claimed strings of praises from the outsiders who visited our school and also from the parents. In a nutshell, this language educational basis programme is indeed a successful one, especially since the vocabulary of the day was implemented during conversations and even used in essays (according to teachers). Kudos to the Taylors College for the constructive sponsorship and fellow Leos!

Organzing Chairperson : Leo Teng Kar Chun, Funding Director
Venue : Serambi Budi, Study spot
Duration : Whole year round

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Recycle Project : Go Green II

Leo Pui Yee giving a drink to a plant

Leo Vivien & Leo Pui Yee, together saving the Earth!
Bottles from the RCC meeting

More bottles!..

Watering the orchids from the remaining water in the bottle, Leo Vivien

Yikes! More more bottles!

In continuation to the recycle project held just last month, we are now back with the second Recycle Project, named “Go Green II” after the first recycle project held after the Joint Leo Installation. This time, the Leos collected the Milo tetra packet drinks to be recycled after the 1st RCC Meeting was held in our school hall. Leos were asked to kindly leave the Milo drinks on the table so that it can be collected later. Also, we collected the plastic bottles that were distributed together with the Nasi Lemak during the lunch meal after the meeting. The plastic bottles are not meant to be recycled but to be kept to be used as containers for the Garbage Enzyme Project that will be carried out in the month of October by Leo Chan Ying Zhi. Several water in the bottles was not drank finished completely, and so we decided to put the water into good use by watering the plants with the water. The plastic bottles are then washed and packed into paper boxes

Organizing Chairperson : Leo Hor Yin Hong, Community Service Director
Venue : SMK Batu Lapan ( During the 1st RCC Meeting FY 2008/2009 )
Recyclable Materials : Plastic bottles, tetra containers, cardboard boxes

Mid Autumn Festival with Rumah Shalom ; " Of Mooncakes & Candles " - Joint Project with the Lions Club Of Shah Alam City

The Moon-light walk, Leos, orphans and Lions

Leo Ying Zhi, Leo Sze Yang ( in make up! ) and Leo Vivien

I love baby Moses! best of all, he doesn't cry!

" Of Mooncakes and Candles " - where's the lantern??

Spot the Lions ( Lion Kee Oi & Lion Kievan, RCC Region 4 & Lions froms Lions Club of PJ City )

Group picture = Leos, orphans, and Lions. Doesn't get any better

Oh look! They're giving Leo Sze Yang a manicure!

Lion Carol from Lions Club og Shah Alam City giving pointers on manicure

Tip 1. choose a colour that matches your personality >.<

Leo Pui Yee introducing herself to a little girl

Ice-breaking! * Figure speech *

" My name is .... "

Leo Vivien and Leo Yin Hong with baby Moses

The Tiger lantern given by the Lions Club Of Shah Alam City

This project is held each year during the festive of Mid Autumn, the Mooncake Festival with the Rumah Shalom children. Almost like a promise, each year Leos from our club would pay a visit to the children during this festival to celebrate the importance of togetherness and unconditional love. As the only Leo Club in the same neighborhood, it was and still is a definite responsibility that we, Leos have over these children of Rumah Shalom. Who else, but us, Leos are there to share the love, the companionship and the special bond with these children.

As a Serving Together Leo-Lion Joint Project, the Leos have decided to have this project organized jointly with sponsoring club, Lions Club of Shah Alam City. Lion Khor Lee Kean agreed to our invitation almost immediately after we submitted the proposal of this project. The Lions Club of Shah Alam City was generous enough to sponsor a total amount of RM 500 for the children. The money was used to cover up for the dinner prepared for the children, lanterns, candles and a few packets of rice for the children of Rumah Shalom. The Lions present during the event included RCC Lion Chan Kee Oi, Lion Kievin Yip, Lion Khor Lee Kean, Lion Carol Tan, Lion Tan Meng Yeow, Lion Mimi Lee Lay Mei, and last but not least, our Leo Advisor, Lion Kek Lee Beng. The Leos were utterly contented and pleased that the event was blessed with the arrival of the Lions.

The first agenda of the visit was the ice – breaking session between the Leos, Lions and also the children. It was unfortunate that on the same particular day, some children were also involved in a trip to KL and were unable to celebrate the festive with us. The Leos introduced themselves to the children which eventually prompted the children to do so. Leo Pui Yee then introduced the Lions to the children and the caretaker upon the arrival of all the Lions. After a brief ice- breaking session, the children and Leos were divided into two large groups of guys and girls. The guy Leos led the boys to the field just opposite the home for a game of football whereas the girls stayed with the remaining Leos for several interactive games. The Leos did the ritual for their visit, which is to play doll up with the makeup accessories such as lipstick, lip gloss, blusher, mascara and not forgetting nail varnish. The Leos and the girls had great fun applying makeup on each other while laughing at each other’s comical face. Lion Carol Tan also joined in the fun and painted nail varnish for the girls. After cleaning and washing up, the Leos and girls went to the playground beside the field for a stroll. The Leos and girls ended up playing chasing games like “Tag” and “Ice and Water”.

As the sun began to set, the Leos, children and Lions took a few photos together before returning to the home for a sumptuous dinner. The Leos have prepared chicken rice with soup, salad, kuih lapis and also watermelons for the children. They were really obedient and well-mannered as they say their “thank you” and “please” to the Leos who served them. The Leos and lions also joined in for a meal of mouth-watering chicken rice. Our Leo Advisor,Lion Kek Lee Beng joined the children at the dining table in the kitchen whereas the rest of the Leos sat down in the hallway. It was indeed an amazing sight as a four year old Nigel stood up and said grace in his loudest voice as the rest followed. Lion Lee Beng smiled reassuringly at the children as we looked.

After dinner, it was the time when all the children have been waiting for; - time to play lanterns! The Leos helped the children to light up their lanterns and put on sticks for them to hold so that their hands would not be burned. Hands in hands, the Leos and the children went for a Lantern Walk around the residential area with the company of the Lions. The children were really having a good time, laughing and teasing each other as they walked together. It was an amazing sight, to see the Leos and the children together just like that.

Soon, it was time to say goodbye. The children was reluctant to let us leave, but relented after hearing our promises that we would be back for Christmas. The Leos expressed their greatest thanks and appreciations to the Lions for the contributions and the efforts for the children. It was a truly meaningful event, not just for the children but to all of us, to be blessed by such unconventional bonds of love and company and to believe that love has no boundaries.

Organizing Chairperson : Leo Liew Pui Yee, Treasurer & Lion Khor Lee Kean
( A project of Leo Club Of SMK Batu Lapan & sponsoring Lions Club, Lions Club Of Shah Alam City )
Date : 13th September 2008, Satuday
Venue : Rumah Shalom, NO1, Jalan Tiong 5